Peer-Reviewed Papers Published
As a global health practitioner for over twelve years, Marvelous has been involved in various research primarily focused on HIV/AIDS. Click on the link below for the full text on research articles she co-authored.
Husbands, W., Nakamwa, J., Tharao, W., Greenspan, N., Calzavara L., Sathiyamoorthy T., Muchenje-Marisa M., Arnold K., Browne O., Kerr J., Love, Judgement and HIV: Congregants’ Perspectives on an Intervention for Black Churches to Promote Critical Awareness of HIV Affecting Black Canadians. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2020).
Saara Greene, Marvelous Muchenje, Jasmine Cotnam, Kristin Dunn, Peggy Frank, Valerie Nicholson, Apondi J. Odhiambo, Krista Shore, Angela Kaida (2019) Learning, Doing and Teaching Together: Reflecting on our Arts Based Approach to Research, Education and Activism with and for Women Living with HIV. Engaged Scholarships and the Arts. Vol. 5 No. 2 DOI:
Greene S., Odhiambo A.J., Muchenje M., Symington A., Cotnam J., Dunn K., Frank M., Glum S., Gormley R., Ion A., Nicholson V., Shore K., Kaida A. (2019) How women living with HIV react and respond to learning about Canadian law that criminalizes HIV non-disclosure: ‘how do you prove that you told?’ Culture Health & Sexuality
Allan B., Morcillo D.G., Spire B., Marcotullio S., Krehl M., Muchenje M., et al. (2019) Positive Perspectives Partners of people living with HIV (PLHIV): findings from the Positive Perspectives Survey. Journal of Infection and Public Health 12(1):111. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2018.10.024
Young B., Spire B., Morcillo D.G., Muchenje M., Parkinson K., et al. (2017) Patient Experience and Views on Antiretroviral Treatment—Findings from the Positive Perspectives Survey. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4(suppl_1): S431-S432: DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofx163.1089
O’Brien N., Greene S., Carter A., Muchenje M., et al. (2017) Envisioning Women-Centered HIV Care: Perspectives from Women Living with HIV in Canada. Women’s Health Issues 27 (6). DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2017.08.001
Kapiriri L., Tharao W., Muchenje M., Masinde K.I., Ongoiba F., (2016) ‘ … They should understand why … ' The knowledge, attitudes and impact of the HIV criminalization law on a sample of HIV+ women living in Ontario. Global Public Health 11(10):1-15. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2016.1146318
Young, B., Spire, B., Morcillo, D. G., Muchenje, M., Parkinson, K., Krehl, M., Marcotullio, S., Allan, B., Punekar, Y., Namiba, A., deRuiter, A., Barthel, S., Koteff, J., Garris, C., Nguyen, C., Ustianowski, A., Ferrer, P. E., & Murungi, A. (2017). Patient Experience and Views on Antiretroviral Treatment—Findings from the Positive Perspectives Survey. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 4(Suppl 1), S431–S432.
Loufty M., Kennedy L., Mohammed S., Muchenje M., et al. (2014) Recruitment of HIV-Positive Women in Research: Discussing Barriers, Facilitators, and Research Personnel’s Knowledge. The Open AIDS Journal 8(1):58-65. DOI: 10.2174/1874613601408010058
Kapiriri L., Tharao W., Muchenje M., Masinde K., Siegel S., Ongoiba F. (2014). The experiences of making infant feeding choices by Africans, Caribbean and Black HIV-positive mothers in Ontario, Canada. World Health & Population.15 (2): 14-22.
Loutfy MR, Kennedy L, Mohammed S, Wu W, Muchenje M, Masinde K, Salam K, Soje L, Gregorovich S, Tharao W. (2014). Recruitment of HIV-Positive Women in Research: Discussing Barriers, Facilitators, and Research Personnel's Knowledge. The Open AIDS Journal: 8:58-65. DOI:10.2174/1874613601408010058
Mona R. Loutfy, Trevor A., Hart, Saira S. Mohammed, DeSheng Su, Edward D. Ralph, Sharon L. Walmsley, Lena C, Soje, Marvelous Muchenje, Anita R. Rachlis, Fiona M.Smail, Jonathan B. Angel, Janet M. Raboud, Michael S. Silverman, Wangari E. Tharao, Kevin Gough, Mark H. Yudin. (2012). Fertility Desires and Intentions of HIV-Positive Women of Reproductive Age in Ontario, Canada: A Cross-Sectional Study: A Cross-Sectional Study. Plus One.
Lise Huynh, Matt Gysler, Mona R. Loutfy, Shari Margolese, Mark H. Yudin, Tracey Conway, John Maxwell, Marvelous Muchenje, Doris O'Brien-Teengs, Heather Shapiro, Clifford Librach. (2012). Access to conception planning information and services for people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: A community-based research study. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: 7 (1): 6-19. DOI:10.1080/17450128.2011.635723
Cameron W, Loutfy MR, Carvalhal A, Maggi J, Chu SK, Margolese S, Cheung A, Maxwell J, Dahan M, MacGillivray J, de Pokomandy A, McLay D, Dhliwayo B, McQuarrie S, Gysler M, Money DM, Haase D, Muchenje M, Hamilton S, Said T, Hove P, Jaworsky D, Senikas V, Klein M, Shapiro H, LaPrise J, Walmsley S, LaPrise M, Wong J, Larkin K, Yudin MH, Librach C. (2012). Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines. International Journal on Gynaecol Obstet. 119(1): 89-99.
Book Chapters
Tharao, W., Muchenje, M., & Mehes, M. (2013). An Evidence-based Intervention to Support African, Caribbean and Black Women in Canada Disclose their HIV-Position Status. In J.C. Gahagan (Ed.), Women and HIV Prevention in Canada: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (pp. 105-134). Toronto: Women’s Press, an imprint of Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.
Muchenje, M. & Kennedy, V.L. (2015). Beyond Silence and Stigma: Pregnancy and HIV for Black Women in Canada. In J.C Oparah & A.D Bonaparte (Ed.), Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth (pp. 81-89). New York: Routledge
Marvelous’ HIV Story – Public Health Agency of Canada (2019)​
The Woman I Have Become, produced by WHIWH chronicles the lives of 8 women of African and Caribbean descent living with HIV in Toronto (2016).
Hope Is Vital - Research Shouldn’t Sit on A Shelf: Stories of Strength, Action and Resiliency from Women Living with HIV and Community-based HIV Researchers (2014)
Glad I Tested- Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, CHC (2014)–
Treatment as Prevention Workshop, April 22-25, 2013, Vancouver BC (2013)
Positive Women: Exposing injustice, A film by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and Alison Duke, Goldelox Productions (2012).
Marvelous Muchenje: HIV stigma and A.I.D.S. (Am I Doing Something?) (2020) -